The Top 6 Products That Need to be Made Environmentally Friendly

As concerns about the environment continue to rise, more and more businesses are looking for ways to reduce their impact on the planet. One of the most effective ways to do this is by incorporating sustainable and eco-friendly products into their operations. One of the main benefits is that sustainable and eco-friendly products can help […]

Who are HowGood and What is Their Role in Climate Impact Labelling?

HowGood is an American sustainable food rating company based in Brooklyn, New York. It comprises the world’s largest database on sustainable food. It develops markets and operates a program in grocery stores designed to provide a sustainability score for food products using up to 60 industry-specific indicators. HowGood was co-founded as “Scryve” by Alexander Gillett […]

UK Environmental Claims Guidance: Your Complete Guide

Consumers are increasingly demanding products and services which minimise harm to, or have a positive effect on, the environment. As a result, there has been a proliferation of products, services and businesses which claim to meet that demand. Consumer protection law does not prevent businesses from making environmental claims about their products and services, provided […]

UK Watchdog to Crack Down on Biodegradable and Recyclable Claims

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is the UK’s independent regulator of advertising across all media. The ASA recently announced key findings from its consumer research and issue-led review on green disposal claims (i.e., ‘recyclable’/’recycled’, ‘biodegradable’, ’compostable’ and “plastic alternative” claims). To accompany this, CAP and BCAP have updated their Advertising Guidance: The environment: misleading claims […]

What is Core Carbon Principles? An Introductory Guide to CCP Labels

The Core Carbon Principles (CCPs) are a global benchmark for high-integrity carbon credits that set rigorous thresholds on disclosure and sustainable development. Developed with input from hundreds of organizations throughout the voluntary carbon market, the CCPs provide a credible and rigorous means of identifying high-integrity carbon credits that create real, verifiable climate impact, based on […]

Plant Based Labels Crackdown in the UK in 2023

According to new draft guidance currently in development, plant-based products may have restrictions on using terms such as “cheese” or “yoghurt” to describe themselves. The guidance aims to assist trading standards officers in interpreting and enforcing laws governing the labelling and marketing of dairy alternatives. While plant-based products are already prohibited from using the term […]

How Foundation Earth is Disrupting Labelling of Consumer Products

ecolabelling by foundation earth

Foundation Earth is an independent, non-profit organisation issuing front-of-pack environmental scores on food products, helping businesses build a more resilient and environmentally sustainable food system while giving consumers the tools they need to make sustainable buying choices. They bring together scientists and leading figures from food production and retailing who all share a vision of […]

The Plastic Crisis: here are the top 4 responses in 2023

New data shows that the majority of UK adults support substituting conventional plastic with compostable alternatives and want local authorities and government to do more to incentivise the collection of compostable packaging. A survey of 1734 UK adults conducted by YouGov found 89% of respondents support local councils being required to collect all recyclable or […]

Abel and Cole claim to be the first retailer to use Eco Labelling

Ecolabels are marks placed on product packaging or in e-catalogues that can help consumers and institutional purchasers quickly and easily identify those products that meet specific environmental performance criteria and are therefore deemed “environmentally preferable”. Ecolabels can be owned or managed by government agencies, non-profit environmental advocacy organizations, or private sector entities. Eco labels can […]

Latest Environmental Labelling News: Stop Eating Meat…Again

Labels that indicate the impact of food products on the climate might sway the choices of consumers, according to a clinical trial published in JAMA Network Open. The study placed more than 5000 US adults into a survey where they pictured themselves ordering from a fast-food menu consisting of burgers, salads and other products typical […]