As a reaction to the growing demand for the reusability of glass and plastic packaging, Labelservice is pleased to offer a range of paper and filmic labels that feature a new wash off adhesive – suitable for plastic HDPE crates, beer kegs, plastic packaging and glass bottles.
It is a strong option for reusable crate pooling programs such as IFCO and Euro Pool System. The adhesive has the ability to wash off in low temperatures with no additives, meaning an extended crate lifespan.
Paper options available include an uncoated vellum, a direct thermal and a matt wine stock face.
Returnable glass bottles demand labels that stay firmly in place during use but can be easily removed to enable reuse. We offer a clear on clear label that detaches easily from the bottle in a conventional bottle washer, making Wash-off the best choice for beverage makers. There is no residue left on the bottle or in the washer, and equally there is no contamination of the washing water as the adhesive and inks stay firmly in the label.
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